Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Conceptual framework in accounting are useless. Critically evaluate Essay
Conceptual framework in accounting are useless. Critically evaluate - Essay Example In this view, Tinker was in support that accounting is not through which a language to communicate (W Schweiker (1992) Accounting theories are structures that unify a basic logic or a system of reasoning. It is through this reasoning that purely speculative and interpreting decisions that accounting users this are the key stakeholders such as the shareholders use to reach their key decisions making and further analysis is done. The accounting concepts are neither laws no rules they are opinions that have been discussed and agreed to be followed. Their origin dates back to 1971 a certification of SSAP2 which included the going concern concept, the Prudence concept, Accruals and the consistency concept. The going concern concept views a business as a continuous project with no end and it is the value of the business to break it down into bits to be easy in accounting. The first assumption is the economic entity assumption this operates under the banner that the economic activities between the business and the owner is different this does not refer to the final adjustment of many activities as owners t ry to use this principle to their advantage This has been used by managers by hiding a lot of cash in different countries and avoid some checks and balances in their countries (G Morgan (1982). The enticement of tax haven have made it easier for financial users to be denied the chance and They have been able to do this due to the difference in some of principles though the guidance should be based on generally accepted principle. The other assumption of accounting is the going concern which shows out this assumption provides the owner with the assumption that if the business books are reported that the business will continue for the rest of the time and works only to give a picture of a business which has no end. The monetary unit
Monday, October 28, 2019
Ancient History Essay Example for Free
Ancient History Essay New research has immensely impacted on our understanding of daily life in both Pompeii and Herculaneum. Experts in archaeology, science and other fields have revealed copious amounts of information about people, buildings and food found in the two cities prior to the eruption in 62 AD. Experts such as Estelle Lazer and Sarah Bisel have assisted in heightening our understanding of the daily life in Pompeii and Herculaneum. From 1986 Estelle Lazer worked on a sample of over 300 individuals who were represented by a collection of disarticulated bone. The techniques of forensic medicine and physical anthropology were used to determine sex, age-at-death, height, signs of disease and population affinities of the victims. The results indicated that almost equal numbers of males and females from all age groups did not manage to escape the town before it was destroyed. Sarah Bisel worked with the bone analysis of the skeletons of Herculaneum to determine and study the lifestyle differences between the social classes present within Herculaneum. She discovered many things about the people of Herculaneum such as the town was a genetically diverse society, children were often malnourished due to the lack of calcium in their teeth and the bodies had high levels of lead. This new information has majorly effected and broadened our understanding of daily life in Pompeii and Herculaneum. The evidence of food in the two towns and the study of these by experts such as Wilhelmina Jashemski and the team of principal researchers known as the Pompeii Food and Drink Project, further develop our knowledge of daily life in these famous towns of Campania. Jashemskis project had the purpose of studying animal and plant remains in order to gain an understanding of the kinds of gardens in and around Pompeii as well as gathering information on the wine and oil industries of the area. By examining soil contours and carbonised plant remains, archaeologists have gained a more accurate picture of produce and ornamental gardens in Pompeii. The purpose of the Pompeii Food and Drink Project was to analyse the patterns of daily life in a non-invasive way to study the structures that are associated with food and drink. The Project has collected many ancient artefacts and information, and answered many questions about the food and drink storage, distribution, preparation, serving, and consumption in Ancient Pompeii. All these sources combine to give us a more acute knowledge of the ancient towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum. The buildings found in Pompeii and Herculaneum provide extensive information about the lifestyle of people living there. The House of Pompeii Project, started in 1977, had the focus of investigating and salvaging buildings which had been excavated in previous years but had not necessarily been recorded. The two houses that were particularly studied was the House of the Ancient Hunt and the House of the Coloured Capitals. The Project has not uncovered any new information, only recorded findings on certain housing which were either not properly recorded or completely ignored. The Insula of Menander Project had much the same aim as the House of Pompeii Project, in that they were redressing the deficiencies in earlier records. Their main focus, though, was the insula conducted under Amedeo Maiuri. The Project provided a detailed history of the insula showing that there had been frequent building changes over time and that there appeared to be a late appearance of shops and the addition of upper storeys in the last years of the city. The Pompeian Forum Projects main objective was to produce more accurate plans of surviving remains by the use of architectural analysis to widen the understanding of contemporary urban problems. The traditional view that the Forum was a builder’s yard after the 62 AD earthquake was disproved. There was also evidence found of a comprehensive earthquake plan for the Eastern side of the Forum. In Source A we can see how new research has amplified our knowledge of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Through research by Italys National Institute of Optics, it has been discovered that the famous Pompeian red was a colour created from the mixture of yellow paint and the gases from Vesuvius. In conclusion, the impacts of new research and technologies have considerably expatiated our enlightenment of the daily life in Pompeii and Herculaneum. The many sources uncovered and analysed from these towns have been much more useful as a result of developing technology and research. In the years to come, technology will continue to develop, along with more information being discovered and this will result in more and more information being provided about the famous ancient towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Canadas Diverse History :: Canadian Canada History
Canada's Diverse History This essay analyzes the diversity of Canada's history, geography, climate, economy, cultures and government. Did you know it is the largest country in the world now that U.S.S.R broke up. Specifically, Canada is 9,922,330 square km. Did you know that Canada used to be named "Kanata"? Yes, Kanata is an Indian word meaning village. It was not until July 1,1867 that Kanata was renamed Canada. Canada was originally discovered by Jacques Cartier an explorer from France who sailed down the St.Lawrence in 1534. Cartier we believe was the first to set foot on Canadian soil. He marked his presence with a flag claiming it his land. Over the years, Canada has developed into the home of the largest free-standing structure in the world. Canada,(a great tourist attraction)is also home of the largest water fall in the world. Our farmland unlike a lot of others has a variety of climate. The warmer summer climate ranges from +10 - +30 and the cooler climate ranges from anywhere to -10 - -30. Despite the changes in temperature, Canada's precipitation is very light. Our home is enclosed by the United States of south, the Pacific ocean and Alaska on the west side, the Atlantic ocean on the east side and the Arctic up north. One of the dominant reasons Canada is so well populated is due to the fact of our financial status. At this present time, the economy is not doing too well, but who's is? Canada is highly industrialised by manufacturing Automobiles, food, liquor and tobacco. We as a Unified country accept other cultures and religions. Canada has about every nationality possible and together they form a great home. Despite the many cultures, Canada's main languages are english and french. Canada is a democracy. This means the government is elected by all t ople.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A Big Threat to Brokerage Firms
These days, frauds and scams are observably rampant. In business, on the Internet, in the bank and any entity where money may be extracted. Brokerage firms and hedge funds never escaped this reality and these firms too are very susceptible to frauds and this fact is considered as a big threat upon the health of the financial market. Hedge funds are currently among the most popular or hottest type of investment prospects in the stock market these days.This type of investment â€Å"have been very prominent in the financial news, attracting a lot of attention from investors, brokerage firms, the Securities and Exchange Commission or SEC†(Evans, Atkinson, and Cho 2005) Brokerage firms on the other hand have investment advisors and stockbrokers which are pack with information needed to be relayed to the investors. In this manner, if they are having plans to defraud and manipulate the information they have, which is a very unethical act, they actually can.The aforementioned hedge f unds and brokerage are very susceptible to fraud caused by unsuitable investments. These unsuitable investments happen when the representative broker of the firm make misrepresentations of the investment to a customer or if this broker agent fall short in disclosing â€Å"to the customer all of the material facts about the investment†(Stoneman and Schulz) In short, this is a fraud, which, the common people also identify as a lie.Fraud is either lying or omitting something and according to the SEC, under Rule 10 (b) (5), employing any scheme, artifice or device defrauding someone or some entity constitute fraud or making untrue statements of material fact making the statement made, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading is another way to defraud. Moreover, engaging in any act, practice or course of business which operate or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon any person or entity in connection with any purchase or sale of any security.Eve n though wealthy investors in the hedge funds consider the occurrence of fraud to be insignificant, it is currently happening â€Å"too often to be ignored†(Guarding Against 2005) In fact for the past five years prior March 2005, there were already a total of fifty-one (51) fraudulent hedge fund cases with investor losses of approximately $ 5. 1 billion. One very popular type fraud in hedge funds was invented as early as 1919 called the Ponzi Scheme after Carlo Ponzi who first utilized this method.With this type fraud, the fund manager maintains the fiction that the fund is performing very well and is generating returns while it encourages new investor to invest and using their investments to pay off those earlier investors at a higher rate rather than investing the amount. On the side of the brokerage firms, they are the ones leaking the information to investors leading to fraud. In fact, the SEC alleged that brokerage firms recruited new investors for hedge funds from thei r clients (a technique known as â€Å"capital introductions.†(Evans, Atkinson, and Cho 2005) General fraudulent brokerage firm practices include stock marker manipulation to benefit a certain individual or entity; utilizing phony accounts in trading in the stock market; trading without the public’s information; doing trades that are unauthorized; refusing to customers’ sell orders; and falsifying firm’s records. Furthermore, more defined types of brokerage fraud (Brokerage Fraud, 2008) include (1) biased investment advice; (2) unfounded advice; (3) contradictory investment advice; (4) continuing a risk; and (5) conflict of interest.Each of these five portrays manipulation by the firm, taking its advantage as the advisor in influencing the decision of the customer in an unorthodox manner. As early as 2004 the SEC has been requiring brokerage firms to present relevant information stating the ways on how they help the hedge funds recruit new investors in or der to prevent fraudulent fund raising. The SEC is also investigating selected cases to draw information from them and from which hedge funds might have used insider information to their ends and thereby gaining profit.This is especially true on initial public offerings (IPOs) This is according an article entitled Guarding Against Hedge Fund Fraud issue number 3 of the Trusting the Independent Financial Advisor Journal. The SEC advices the brokerage firm in order for them to stay within the rules and will not be penalized. This advice includes (1) fair dealing; (2) best execution; (3) customer confirmation rule; and (4) disclosure of credit terms. These general rules are embedded in the SEC’s Compliance Guide to the Registration and Regulation of Brokers and Dealers.Simply stated, the SEC and the American government in general do not want to have another Merrill Lynch, Salomon Smith Barney, Morgan Stanley or Bear Sterns deceiving the public. . Works Cited Evans, Thomas G. , S tan Atkinson, and Charles H. Cho. 2005. Hedge Fund Investing: Current Advice for Financial Advisers and Planners. Journal of Accountancy 199, no. 2: 52+. Morgenson, Gretchen. â€Å"Brokerage Firm Is Indicted In Fraud Case. †The New York Times, July 9, 1999, from .National Legal News â€Å"Brokerage Fraud. †2008 from . Stoneman, Tracy P. and Douglas J. Schulz. 2002. California: Kaplan Business Publishers The Securities and Exchange Commission. â€Å"Litigation Briefs. †2008 from . . Trusting the Independent Financial Advisor Journal. â€Å"Guarding Against Hedge Fund Fraud†issue number 3. March 2005, Switzerland: Roland Ray.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Sports Psych Evaluation on” We Are Marshall”
We Are Marshall We Are Marshall is movie about the Marshall University football team of 1970, who almost all died in a plane crash coming home from an away game. The only members of the team that remained were the players left at home because of injuries, and one coach who drove home because of a recruiting trip. Normally Sports Psychologist could find things to work on with any team but with a new coach coming in to rebuild the program who just suffered an unruly loss the issues are heightened by the pain, struggle, and stress to win for those who could no longer play.The Marshall Heard struggled with adapting and accepting different leaders, having the motivation to win even though they were all mainly freshman playing against teams of mostly juniors and seniors, the new and old players working together to have a common goal , sticking together and developing team cohesion and, honoring the other players. There were so many things this team had to overcome to find the common will t o win. Cooperation was a main concept that the Heard had to achieve in order to have success at anything after this tragedy.Not only did they have to get their teammates to cooperate with each other and the new coaching staff, they also had to get cooperation from the student body and the school board. After the plane crash the school board decided that it will be best for everyone if they suspend the following season and give the school time to grieve and get back to normal. When the remaining players heard about this they decide to rally the school together to get the board to allow them to play the following season.They got the student body to chant, â€Å"We are Marshall,†outside of the meeting of the school board when the final decision was being made to not have a season. With the cooperation of all of their peers the Heard was allowed to continue on with the season as previously planned. Before we even get in to cooperation with the entire team these few players remai ning had to present a common goal to the student body and organize an event so that they school would allow the team to have a season so they could honor their teammates in the following season.A big struggle with this program was having strong leadership, and following the leadership. The players who were left had to deal adjusting from being just part of a team to leading a new team of freshman. They had their times when leading was tough for them, Ruffin a player who was left at home because of a shoulder injury stepped up and became the main captain and leader of the team. Ruffin had times where he didn’t lead by example and because he felt like the new players did not respect his former teammates he blew up and picked a fight.Later on in the movie Ruffin’s shoulder injury returns and worsens, he is told that he cannot play the second half of the game. Although many players would sulk in there injury Ruffin showed his true colors and his leadership ability when he went out in the second half and was his team’s biggest cheerleader. He did everything he could to help his team out even though he would not benefit from it. Ruffin led his team with pride and he expected the team to play to the best of their ability to honor the players from the previous year who could no longer play.Also in We Are Marshall the president filling in since the true president of the University also died in the plane crash as well, lead the school and had faith in the new coach and the team to turn things down although he was getting criticized for it. He approved hiring a new coach and for the recruiting to start, he got the NCAA to make an exception to the rules stating that freshmen could play so they could have a team. He lead by example and did everything he could to help the football program. When the town and some board members questioned his decisions he stood by them and did what he believed to be the right thing to do.Motivation was very important for this team. The players who remained from the year before were motivated by their friends, coaches, and teammates they lost. These players felt a sense of duty to these players that they needed to play well and get things back together for their teammates who could no longer play. These upper classmen and the coaching staff had a hard time getting this type of motivation in to the new players. Ruffin and other returners had times where they tried to get the freshmen to understand what they were working towards but the freshmen just didn’t have the same loyalty and connection to the old team. According to Vlachopoulos, athletes with high intrinsic motivation have better self-appreciation and are more successful in their activities compared with their intrinsically less motivated mates†(Bollok, Takacs, Dobay & Kalmar, 2011)You could see this, because Ruffin had an internal motivation to play to the best of his ability to honor his teammates who died, he had more of a driv e to do well and he expected everyone else to do their best too. The coaching staff saw this struggle as ell, they could see that the whole team was not motivated to get the job done. Before one game the coaches had the team meet them at the memorial of six players who lost their lives and were too badly deformed after the crash to identify who they were who had been buried together because â€Å"They are still a team,†said Dr. Aldred P. Wallace in an article from The Herald newspaper after the accident . There he talks to them about what happened and how those players literally gave their lives to do what rest of them were doing.This pep talk stirred up something in the boys and that night they won their very first game. Along with the trip to the cemetery also came group cohesion. When the coaches talked to the team about what happened with the team before them and got the new players to have respect and feel a tie to the players who were no longer alive the group gelled b etter. Once the whole team respected the passed players and coaches they found a common goal. Watching this film the game after the trip to the cemetery was so different than what had been shown previously.Once this group found their cohesion and common goals they succeeded. The dynamics of this team differed from any other team in the NCAA at the time. At this time it was against NCAA rules to allow freshmen to play. As if being the youngest team competing in the NCAA at the time wasn’t enough of a challenge, as previously stated they had some players who had a lot of respect for the former players and those who figured they didn’t know them so they didn’t really matter. Team members and team dynamics have to depend on and support each other to accomplish a shared goal†(Chandel 2) without good team dynamics it makes it a lot harder to get your goal achieved. Obviously every team has differences on it but usually not things that could set them back as bad as these could. Being the youngest team to take the field came with all sorts of challenges, lack of experience, smaller players, and less maturity. At the beginning these new kids had little respect for others and what had happened, this caused a divided team.Once the team was all on the same page and they got their differences sorted out they performed well, better than anyone expected. Communication is key in any team sport, but when players have baggage and built up frustration and aggression it is even more important. The remaining players had some held in frustration for a number of different reasons resulting from the plane crash. This came out at random times such as, during practice, in the locker room, and even in the dorm.Not only was communication needed on the field it was needed outside of football. If the remaining players could have better communicated their feelings about the crash with their new teammates and got them to understand what they were going through they may not have had so many problems becoming a team as they did in the beginning. Once the importance of the players of the 1970 team was understood by the freshmen they worked with their upperclassmen better. They had a mutual understanding of what needed to be done and why and this helped them succeed.In the movie We Are Marshall a team must overcome the challenges of having a completely new team and coaching staff as well as the challenges a coach and a few players have in dealing with the loss of the rest of the football program. Every sports team has to adjust each year to maybe a few coaching changes or new freshmen coming in but to have to rebuild an entire new program is completely different. The Heard of Marshall faces issues anywhere from team cohesion to leadership changes. New players have to step up to help the new coach out and the coaches have to try everything they can think of just to keep the team from killing each other.This movie is one of the greatest stories of a team overcoming adversity and coming together. ASHVIN M. CHANDEL Role of Group Dynamics in Team Sports, : Indian Streams Research Journal (June ; 2012) Bollok, S. , Takacs, J. , Dobay, B. , & Kalmar, Z. (2011). External and internal sport motivations of young adults. Biomedical Human Kinetics, 3(1), 102. Retrieved from http://versita. metapress. com/content/J27L830PG4223742 Withers, B. (1970, November 16). The crash. The Herald- Dispatch. Retrieved from http://media. herald-dispatch. com/mucrash/index. php? p=1_61
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Diaguita and the Guarani of Argentina essays
Diaguita and the Guarani of Argentina essays In the beginning of Argentina, we recall two major tribes; the Diaguita and the Gaurani who constituted the agricultural origins. During the 1500s, Spain discovered Argentina, and quickly claimed it for its own. Spain reigned until the 1800s when it was at war with Britain. In 1816 Argentina declared independence from Spain. After WWII there was a struggle for leadership of Argentina, eventually Juan Peron, a former dictator, was elected President. Peron represented himself as a leader for the common people, however his administration embezzled funds stole from the workers. With the help of his wife, Eva Peron, who became a spiritual symbol for the nation, he reigned over Argentina until his after her death and his government was overthrown by a military coup in 1955. He spent 18 years in exile, however, Pern retained his labor support and influence in Argentine politics. He was finally allowed to return to Argentina in 1973 and was again elected president, with his third wife as vice president. He died in office on July 1, 1974. Democratic elections finally arrived in 1983, but the political environment is still shaky. Currently Argentina has a republican government that is very influenced by western nations. It is broken into 23 separate provinces and consists of three branches; judicial, legislative, and executive. President Carlos Saul Menem has been in office since 8 July 1989 and Vice President Carlos Ruckauf has been in office since 8 July 1995 although they also have 4 year terms. In Argentina the president is both the chief of state and head of government. Similar to many countries, Argentina is still trying to find a stable government. Argentina has a steady economy now, although when the republic began, Argentina was in heavy debt. Through the mass exports of oil, feed, and steel with major industries like food processing and agribusiness, they have a healthy, thriving system. Argentina s ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
A Plan to write an evaluation of the ways in which the European Enlightenment has influenced modern schooling The WritePass Journal
A Plan to write an evaluation of the ways in which the European Enlightenment has influenced modern schooling Introduction A Plan to write an evaluation of the ways in which the European Enlightenment has influenced modern schooling ) Themes in Modern European History 1780-1830. New York: Routledge. Romano, M. J. (2010) AP European History. Second Edition. NJ: Wiley Sons. Selwyn, N. (2011) Schools and Schooling in the Digital Age: A Critical Analysis. First Edition. Oxon: Routledge. Saenz. M. (1999) The Identity of Liberation in Latin American Thought. Maryland: Lexington Books. Â Zafirovski, M. (2011) The Enlightenment and its Effects on Modern Society. NY: Springer.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Color Your Urine Safely
How to Color Your Urine Safely Have you ever wanted to color your urine or wondered what causes urine to become colored? If so, youre in luck! Heres a little bit of applied color chemistry for your entertainment and experimentation pleasure: Violet- Violet or purple liquid is not something you see in the toilet bowl every day. However, you can get violet or purple urine if you eat both beets (red) and methylene blue dye (blue), which is safe in low quantities. Blue- Methylene blue will turn your urine blue or greenish-blue. It can also color the whites of your eyes blue. The coloration of both urine and eyes is reversible. At one time, methylene blue was considered to be an effective treatment ​against malaria. As far as urine colorants go, this one is considered to be reasonably safe to eat, though you should be aware some people are allergic to it. Food coloring may turn your urine blue. A rare, inherited disease known as porphyria can also cause blue urine. King George IIIs blue urine may have been attributable to porphyria. Green- Asparagus will turn urine green and also will give it a very strong odor (although not everyone can smell it). Food coloring can also turn your urine green, as can certain medications. Yellow- Yellow is the normal color of urine. If your pee is too pale to detect the color, it means youre over-hydrated. If you have colorless urine yet want a yellow tint, you can take a vitamin B12 capsule. Another option, which is also extremely fast, is to drink a colored energy drink. Look for one that contains added B vitamins. Amber- Dark golden urine often results from dehydration (not drinking enough water). A very dark color might indicate the presence of bile in urine, which is symptomatic of a medical condition. To safely darken yellow urine, try taking a B vitamin. Drinking an energy drink wont help because the caffeine acts as a diuretic, adding more water to your urine and making it colorful, but pale. Orange- Eating rhubarb or senna can turn your urine orange. Senna is a dangerous herb to mess with. Stick with rhubarb (just dont eat the leaves as theyre poisonous). Red- Eating beets or blackberries can turn your urine red. Blueberries can also tint urine pink. Even though the berries are blue, the pigment in them is a natural pH indicator that changes color. The normal pH of urine is slightly acidic first thing in the morning, trending toward slightly alkaline later in the day. The color of your urine resulting from foods youve eaten can be affected by the time of day you eat them. Pink- Pink urine can result from a urinary tract infection or from eating smaller quantities of beets or blackberries. Brown- Brown urine can be the result of kidney dysfunction, jaundice, or from an overdose of the herb goldenseal. Brown urine is not a good thing. You should probably avoid this color, if at all possible. Black- Black is not a good color for your urine. Black urine results from Blackwater Fever, which is associated with malaria. The black color comes from massive death of your blood cells, leading (usually) to death. Milky or Cloudy- This results from blood, protein, or pus in the urine and usually indicates illness and is not an effect you can achieve by eating or drinking something non-toxic. Clear- All it takes to achieve clear urine is to drink plenty of water. Dont go overboard, though, since even too much water can be bad for you. If you decide to try any of these out for yourself, make sure to read the safety information that accompanies the chemicals carefully and use common sense. If youre concerned you have colored urine due to an illness, be sure to consult a health care professional.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Written report project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Written report project - Research Paper Example *Visible exclusive technology develops specifications for database view as one is carrying out data modeling - tracking changes of names to all procedure and location in which they are being made use of, doing away with errors as the model changes. *The visual analyst has an elegant reverse engineering - Reverse engineering has the duty of analyzing databases which have been inherited, and finding associations that are not specifically described to the database. It also allows the tool to deduce associations where none is described. Visible analyst is an absolute tool for enterprise engineering with amenities for data modeling, premeditated planning, process and object modeling. It offers advanced capabilities to database administrators, Enterprise Architects, and Data Modelers at a considerably lower price than any of its competitors. It offers a general, incorporated platform and user interface for all purposes of software design. These functions might be object-oriented, prearranged and entity association. In the visible analyst CASE tool, documentation and citations run involuntarily from the modeling drawings into the centre-based repository, together with all the information that the user enters. Visible analyst allows real enterprise application engineering by articulating and keeping store of data, requirements for business, processes, and objects that are able to be shared by those who develop applications all through an organization. As a result of this, one can easily blueprint and manage enterprise software for excellence, constantly, and reusability in applications meant for business through the controlled sharing of meta-data. A case repository: The extensible repository of the visible analyst stores the general known facts about the data, objects and processes that can be split all through an organization, rendering it greater than tools which are file-based. It makes sure that data flows consistently and without fail, which is
Ijarah Contracts Used By Islamic Financial Institutions Essay
Ijarah Contracts Used By Islamic Financial Institutions - Essay Example It assists in strengthening the financial system of the country. The stronger the economy the stronger the country is. There are two kinds of banking systems and they are Islamic banking and the Conventional banking. Islamic banking is significantly different from conventional banking, and some of the differences are discussed in this essay. This report talks about an important feature in banking system i.e. lease. In conventional banks, it is referred to as conventional lease; and in Islamic bank, the lease is known as Ijarah. â€Å"Ijarah derives from the root word ajar a – to recompense, compensate or give a consideration and return. Ajr refers to a worker’s wage, and ujra h to rental payment.†(Kamali n.d.). Ijarah is a Shariah compliant alternative to Conventional lease. Through these two kinds of lease, bank performs as a Lessor and the individual to whom the asset is leased acts as a Lessee. The bank insists the lessee to pay an amount monthly for the use of the asset. The rights of the asset remains with the bank, and only the privileges of use are transferred to the lessee. 2. Types of Ijarah Contracts Used By Islamic Financial Institutions: 2.1 Simple Ijarah (similar to an Operating Lease) In a business world marred by financial uncertainties and increasing costs of operations, Ijarah loans are broadly considered as the safest, easiest, and the most efficient means to finance production procedures. Like all the other forms of Islamic financing, Ijarah too is rooted in the sound economic main attitude laid down by the Sharia. There are different types of Ijarah, each matched to the specific needs of the parties involved in the agreement. â€Å"The two most popular forms of Ijarah loans are the Simple Ijarah or Ijarah as an operating lease and Ijarah thumma al-bai or Ijarah as a financial lease. The distinguishing feature of Ijarah as an operating lease is that the lease contract is not associated with a purchase agreement.†(All About Ijara as an Operating Lease 2005). The following are some of the features of Ijarah as an operating lease: The whole price of the asset, or the part of property specified in the contract is not amortized through the main leasing tenure. The lessee can get out of the contract, that is, stop the Ijarah as an operating lease agreement anytime the lessee wishes to. On the other hand, the lessee should provide a notice prior to doing so. The real ownership of the piece of property or assets mentioned in the agreement is retained by the lessor. This agreement is executed irrespective of the quantity of payment the lessee has tendered, and that identifies the lessor’s insistence to bear every responsibility and risk connected with the ownership. In Ijarah as an operating lease, permits a part of the property to be returned to the lessor at the end of the leasing tenure. The lessor, which can be a bank or any other financial organization, can again lease the property, if i t is a functioning unit, to a different person or business unit. 2.2 Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek (similar to a Financing Lease) Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek is an Ijarah dealing, in which the possession of the subject asset can be relocated to the lessee after the lease term. Ijarah and Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek are by nature mere leasing contracts, in which the subject issue is the usufruct of the property; and not the quantity of cash, as in the case of a finance lease. In other words, it is not a financing deal, and instead, it is an alternative to financing
Friday, October 18, 2019
Using a word processor of your choice, such as Word, produce a Essay
Using a word processor of your choice, such as Word, produce a 1000-1500 word report on the subject of Obesity - Essay Example As argued by Kopelman (2007), the prevalence of obesity in the United Kingdom for example and the world at large is on the rise. The statistics indicate that a huge percentage of the adults in UK are obese (Kopelman, 2007). An analysis of the future would reduce over a half of the world populace being obese (WHO, 2001). This increase in obesity is one that revolves around lifestyle and societal factors. With these alarming statistics, it is important that the entire society work collectively to ensure that the issue is resolved on a societal level. Up to date, there has been an integrated approach towards dealing with obesity, especially through mobilization on marinating a healthy diet and encouraging continuous participation in physical activity (Eggar and Swinburn, 2002). Eggar and Swinburn (2002) indicate that one of the major causes of obesity results from an individual in-taking excessive foods and drinks as they are supposed to. In the long run, this causes a lot of energy imbalance, as opposed to the daily 60 calories in a day. Some foods have been indicated to contain lots of fats and sugars, especially snacks. Persons with the habit of consuming such foods are likely to be obese (Rolls, 2007). However, it is vital to note that some individuals are likely to be obese from their biological make-up (Kopelman, 2007). On the other hand, Kopelman (2007) says that some people are less active unlike others. These persons are likely to be obese especially if they have a habit of snacking and consuming excessive fatty and sugary foods. An individual’s early life also determines the obese rate of individuals (WHO, 2001). Right from the mother’s womb to the parental feeding habits to the infants, obesity can be determined. The adult life of this child is likely to be affected, an aspect that Kopelman (2007) terms as an inter-generational constituent of obesity. Weaning is, therefore, of
Environmental Geology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Environmental Geology - Assignment Example The Disaster yielded both to economic and life loss where fifty-seven people died besides obliteration of 250 homes and the region’s infrastructure. Additionally, the mountain also comprises of crater glacier that has an ice thickness raging amid 1 to 2 meters, thus making it young geologically. The mountain besides having glaciated valleys during eruption incidences, it comprises of three rivers namely Toutle, Kalama and Lewis where their purposes entail recreational and power generation (Samson 17). For illustration, lewis, which feeds three dams mainly for hydropower production, is helpful to the park itself and society. The park has its contribution regarding environmental degradation setbacks that have affected the area besides humanity and wildlife. The frequent eruption incidences witnessed on the mountain comprises production of obnoxious gases like Chlorine and HFCs that contribute to the destruction of ozone (GVP). However, this feature to numerous populaces may not be clear, but scientifically it is evident that volcano eruptions normally comprise of harmful gases that enhance global warming. This is due to the obliteration of the ozone layer that is liable for filtration of harmful solar rays to human. The eruptions besides destroying the surrounding forest cover, it also yields to wildlife destruction that adorns the mountain. The destruction inevitable because no known human efforts or any known remedy can salvage both the forest and wildlife. According to some concerns emanating from environmentalists, they stated that, the augmenting volcanic ash might yield to prolonged negative impacts like freezing, crop destruction or horrific hazards (GVP). This is an indication that, in the future these occurrences may render the region unfruitful because the economic factors that mark the place mighty become extinct. Its eruption yields to burning of numerous insects hence destroying ecosystem that
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Innovative Organisations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Innovative Organisations - Research Paper Example Early computer-aided design (CAD) applications were direct replacements for manual drafting activities in the design process. Computing resources were derived from mainframes. There was little increase in initial drawing production efficiency, but drawing quality and clarity were greatly improved (Golish et al. 2003). The introduction of the remote workstation provided a technology platform to advance the CAE design process. Architect-engineering design services are project driven businesses. The typical project is a custom designed facility to satisfy the specific requirements of a single customer. Revenue is generated on a project-by-project basis (Kerzner 2002). It is estimated that over 35,000 firms are providers of A-E design services (Golish et al. 2003). Increased use of CAE technology will alter key financial measures used in the industry. Fig. 1 shows projected trends in TLM as CAE technology use increases (Schriener 1996). Productivity will increase and cycle time will decrease. Direct hours to produce projects will decrease and overhead costs will increase while overall design cost will decline. This cost allocation trend is consistent with that experienced in the manufacturing sector as computer-aided engineering and production methods evolved (Noori 2001). The objective of A-E design services is to interpret customer requirements for facilities and infrastructure, including performance expectations, cost, and schedule.
Dietary Quality and Eating Competence Term Paper
Dietary Quality and Eating Competence - Term Paper Example The supposition is that people will deliberately choose foods that add to their long-term physical well-being by decreasing their threat of chronic disease. There is a slight doubt that a diet well-suited to human biological requirements is necessary to the existence of the species (Clifford, & Keeler, 2002). Satter is a model developed by Ellyn Satter, and that is based on her clinical observations of how people do well with eating. Essentially, eating competence explains how normal people eat. It is descriptive in that sense, and rigid only for that group who are not comfortable with their current eating or who are concerned about their diet and health, and seek to make a dietary transformation. Still, Weight Watchers, which a lot of people hype as the finest of the diet centers because of its dependence on real, unmarked food and flexible menu options, does not help people in understanding and knowledge about the inner competence on eating. This comes down to the issue of trust against control, according to the nutritionist Ellyn Satter†¦who takes care of ‘dieting casualties’ in her practice. She trusts that people require learning to believe that they will get filled, even on the food they think as highly desirable, and recognize that they can reliably control their own food intake, instead of depending on exterior rules to control those choices. â€Å"Weight Watchers is good at easing up food choices, teaching people how to eat carefully, and encouraging them to add to the diversity of food in their diet,†states Satter. â€Å"But it is still essentially a control stance they apply†(Satte, 2007, p. 56). When people rely on exterior rules, ranges, and diet cops to control their eating, their association with food remains delicate.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Innovative Organisations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Innovative Organisations - Research Paper Example Early computer-aided design (CAD) applications were direct replacements for manual drafting activities in the design process. Computing resources were derived from mainframes. There was little increase in initial drawing production efficiency, but drawing quality and clarity were greatly improved (Golish et al. 2003). The introduction of the remote workstation provided a technology platform to advance the CAE design process. Architect-engineering design services are project driven businesses. The typical project is a custom designed facility to satisfy the specific requirements of a single customer. Revenue is generated on a project-by-project basis (Kerzner 2002). It is estimated that over 35,000 firms are providers of A-E design services (Golish et al. 2003). Increased use of CAE technology will alter key financial measures used in the industry. Fig. 1 shows projected trends in TLM as CAE technology use increases (Schriener 1996). Productivity will increase and cycle time will decrease. Direct hours to produce projects will decrease and overhead costs will increase while overall design cost will decline. This cost allocation trend is consistent with that experienced in the manufacturing sector as computer-aided engineering and production methods evolved (Noori 2001). The objective of A-E design services is to interpret customer requirements for facilities and infrastructure, including performance expectations, cost, and schedule.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Marketing of World Cup Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words
Marketing of World Cup - Essay Example In order to understand well the history of soccer, it is appropriate to grasp how the professional sports came into being. People have always sought to have and enjoy leisure time which in most cases was not possible. This urge built up and people were able to form some organized sports in the mid ninetieth century. Before then, people, especially in America, had some forms of skills but they had not been put into practice and they were not standardized. It is the increased interests and the urge to make the recreational activities better and enjoyable that led to the development of various rules and regulations to govern the activities such that they became more organized. The organized groups developed into more established and well-managed teams with the members being more serious. The aspect of competition also came up where different teams could compete and have some rewards for the winning teams. The teams got skills through training and could now compete on national and intern ational levels. The games started with simple aspects like curling, bowling after which professional sports like baseball, basketball, hockey and football came about. Just like any other aspect, the field of sport has grown from very humble beginnings of very simple groups of social interactions to more organized activities, specialized and sophisticated professional sports. That has also transformed to the modern big tournaments like the popular world cup events. The splitting marked the beginning of the today’s most famous game, which is soccer.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Role of Cultural Intelligence in Effective Leadership Essay Example for Free
The Role of Cultural Intelligence in Effective Leadership Essay Over the years, business companies and society in general have increasingly housed different people from all over the world, each bringing to the table his or her own culture. As a consequence, the need for effective social skills and cultural sensitivity has been highlighted, especially for managers as part of the complete leadership package. What is Cultural Intelligence? Traditionally, intelligence is defined as simply being able to correctly answer questions in a test. However, experts say that intelligence encompasses more aspects which build an individual’s personality, and this includes cultural intelligence (Earley, 2003, p. 3). Before we define what cultural intelligence is, let us first understand the meaning of culture. Peterson (2004) defines culture as â€Å"the relatively set of minor values and beliefs generally held by groups of people in countries or regions and the noticeable impact those values and beliefs have on the people’s outward behaviors and environment†(p. 17). Given this definition, we can clearly say that managing and capitalizing on different cultures to drive business to profitability entails a very solid leadership team. Management literature offers a number of working definitions of cultural intelligence or CQ. For instance, Earley and Ang (2003) define CQ as: A person’s capability for successful adaptation to new cultural settings, that is, for unfamiliar settings attributable to cultural context and consists of cognitive, motivational and behavioral elements. In managerial contexts, this calls for the ability, among other things, to identify and solve problems sensitively and effectively in cross cultural situations. (p. 9) CQ is also sometimes referred to as the â€Å"key competencies that allow us to effectively interact with people from diverse cultural backgrounds in all kinds of settings†(Bucher, 2007, p. 7). The Need for Cultural Intelligence in Business The trend nowadays is that companies are seeing an increasingly diverse employee base as they expand to new local and international territories. This, then, necessitates more effective leadership skills set and behaviors to be able to manage the company given the new and often changing global landscape. CQ encompasses both traditional intelligence (IQ), which is required to perform and analyze day-to-day business activities, and emotional intelligence (EQ) which deals primarily with social interactions. It entails the capacity to decipher, interpret and integrate both rational and emotional behaviors. Business leaders with high CQ more easily and effectively adapt to new environments and deal with people from different countries. (Earley and Ang, 2003, p. 34 35). CQ plays an important role in a number of business activities especially when a company is trying to develop a business opportunity in a foreign country or is planning to enter into a joint venture with a foreign partner. In these cases, a high CQ manager will overcome common impediments such as language and professional mindset to close a potential deal. CQ is also required of a manager who oversees both local and expatriate colleagues. He or she must make sure that they co-exist and work toward a common goal for the company. Sometimes, it is especially challenging to motivate local employees when they see a lot of expatriates who usually have significantly bigger paychecks. In addition, CQ is needed in resolving disputes between or among employees of diverse cultural background. A good manager knows that some people prefer direct and straightforward confrontation, while others are uncomfortable with this style. Managing relations with foreign stakeholders can likewise be difficult at times, especially with the difference in governance style and structure. However, a manager with high CQ will take into consideration political, corporate or social sensitivities to sustain thriving relationships with the company’s stakeholders. Multi-national companies also face a lot of ethical dilemmas, and dealing with these problems requires high levels of CQ. Moreover, strategic business activities like setting policies and plans, as well as developing training programs for employees call for managers with high CQ. In both cases, the company should strike a balance between the needs and expectations of both local staff and expatriates. More importantly, CQ impacts a company’s bottom-line issues. Bucher (2007) explains: CQ changes the way employees interact with their customers and clients. As employees develop their CQ megaskills, their ability to assess and understand the cultural context of any social interaction increases. This, in turn, allows them to increase customer / client satisfaction by building relationships and adapting to the diverse needs of individuals. Even small changes in the range and magnitude of one’s skills can have a profound influence on productivity, and other bottom-line issues. (p. 12) Cultural Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence (EQ), like IQ and CQ, contributes to the well-roundedness of a highly-effective manager and business leader. Stening (2006) discusses, An individual’s success in life (including at work) is determined not just by abilities in respect of a fairly narrow range of mathematics and linguistic skills, but by such things as: knowing their own emotions (self-awareness); managing their emotions (handling their feelings in an appropriate manner); motivating themselves (harnessing their emotions in the interests of goal accomplishment); recognizing emotions in others (having empathy); and handling relationships (being socially – i. e. , behaviorally – competent). (p. 78) Managers who possess high EQ tend to be more effective motivators and leaders as they recognize the need for open and transparent communications with their staff. Of course, employees more positively respond to a high EQ manager who understands his or her own emotions and let their actions speak louder than mere words than an authoritarian manager. EQ is particularly useful in managing conflicts. A high EQ manager will be in a better position to resolve the conflict calmly since he or she has control over his or her emotions. In addition, having a high EQ will enable a manager to make wise business decisions because he or she is more stable, would be more open to other people’s suggestions, and can clearly think even under pressure. Moreover, companies with many high EQ managers will be able to retain their competent workforce and survive the tight competition in the market. This is because employees who are made to feel they are an asset to the organization will most likely be more motivated to perform better and be loyal to the company. How to Enhance Cultural Intelligence Like any other intelligence models, CQ can be developed and enhanced. Some CQ proponents suggest that CQ is developed in three ways: cognitive, physical and motivational. Cognitive refers to learning about your own culture as well as those of other people, and appreciating what cultural diversity is about. Meanwhile, physical means using your body and senses to blend and immerse in a new environment. Finally, motivational pertains to using your emotions such as in gaining rewards upon achievement of a certain level of success and/or acceptance. (Earley, Ang Tan, 2010, p. 34) Bucher (2007), on the other hand, suggests developing nine â€Å"megaskills†to build CQ, namely (1) understanding my cultural identity; (2) checking cultural lenses; (3) global consciousness; (4) shifting perspectives; (5) intercultural; communication; (6) managing cross-cultural conflict; (7) multi-cultural teaming; (8) dealing with bias; and (9) understanding the dynamics of power. (p. 10 -11) References Bucher, R. D. (2007). Building Cultural Intelligence (CQ): Nine Megaskills. USA: Prentice Hall. Chin, C. Gaynier, L. (2006). Global Leadership Competence; A Cultural Intelligence Perspective. Michigan: Lawrence Technical University. Deng, L. , Gibson, P. (2008). A Qualitative Evaluation on the Role of Cultural Intelligence in Cross-Cultural Leadership Effectiveness. International Journal of Leadership Studies, 3 (2), 181 – 197. Earley, C. P. , Ang, S. (2003). Cultural Intelligence: Individual Interactions Across Cultures. California: Stanford University Press. Earley, C. P. , Ang. S. , Tan, J. (2010). CQ: Developing Cultural Intelligence at Work. California: Stanford Business Books. Gardner, H. (2006). Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons in Theory and Practice. USA: Basic Books. Goleman, D. (2005). Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More than IQ. New York: Bantam Dell. Goleman, D. , McKee, A. , Boyatzis, R. (2002). Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Henry David Thoreaus Civil Disobedience and Martin Luther Kings Lette
Henry David Thoreau's Civil Disobedience and Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham Jail Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King, in â€Å"Civil Disobedience†and â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail,†respectively, both conjure a definitive argument on the rights of insubordination during specified epochs of societal injustice. Thoreau, in his enduring contemplation of life and its purpose, insightfully analyzes the conflicting relationship between the government and the people it governs. He considerately evokes the notion that the majority of people are restrained by the government and society from making decisions with consideration of their conscience and that people need to overcome the reign of the government to realize their own ethics and morals. King, in accordance, eloquently and passionately contends the injustice presented in the unfair treatment of and the discriminatory attitude towards Blacks. Even though, Thoreau successfully accentuates his main concerns in his argument, his effectiveness in persuasionâ€â€appeals, conclusion, and prac tical applicationâ€â€pales in comparison to that of King’s.      In persuasive essays, appeals represent significant, rhetorical factors that rate the effectiveness of impact. Although Thoreau applies ethos, logos, and pathos in his essay, his writing lacks able organization, which affects the presentation and efficiency of his appeals. They lose their influence amidst Thoreau’s philosophical ranting. King, on the other hand, cons...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Repressed Sexuality in Bram Stokers Dracula Essay -- Bram Stoker Dra
Repressed Sexuality in Bram Stoker's Dracula     Perhaps no work of literature has ever been composed without being a product of its era, mainly because the human being responsible for writing it develops their worldview within a particular era. Thus, with Bram Stoker's Dracula, though we have a vampire myth novel filled with terror, horror, and evil, the story is a thinly veiled disguise of the repressed sexual mores of the Victorian era. If we look to critical interpretation and commentary to win support for such a thesis, we find it aplenty "For erotic Dracula certainly is. 'Quasi-pornography' one critic labels it. Another describes it as a 'kind of incestuous, necrophilious, oral-anal-sadistic all-in-wrestling matching'. A sexual search of the novel unearths the following: seduction, rape, necrophilia, pedophilia, incest, adultery, oral sex, group sex, menstruation, venereal disease, voyeurism" (Leatherdale 155-156). While there are many other interpretations of the novel, such as th e vampire as a Satan figure who wishes to take away the mortality Christ won mankind, this analysis will explore how it reads as a story of repressed sexuality and the conflict it creates for the characters living in a repressed Victorian world. Christopher Craft, in his review of the novel, argues that the gender roles of males and females were extremely well-defined and limiting in Victorian society. The male was perceived as the stronger of the sexes, and women were relegated to a voiceless and submissive role. He argues that Harker's eager anticipation of the incestuous vampire daughters is a direct parallel of the roles of men and women in Victorian society, but the roles are reversed "Harker awaits an erotic fulfillment ... ... novel allows an outlet for natural, human biological necessities, no doubt many Victorian readers were similarly thrilled and repulsed by its deliberate depiction of them. WORKS CITED Auerbach, N. A. and Skal, D. J. Bram Stoker: Dracula: Authoritative Text, Contexts, Reviews and Reactions, Dramatic and Film Variations, Criticism. New York, W. W. Norton & Company, 1997. Carter, M. L. (ed.). Dracula: The Vampire and the Critics. Ann Arbor, U.M.I. Research Press, 1988. Darling, L. Dracula is us: the vampire always sinks his fangs into our deepest fears. Newsday. Nov. 8, 1992, (07) 1-5. Leatherdale, C. Dracula: The Novel and the Legend: A Study of Bram Stoker's Gothic Masterpiece. Brighton, Desert Island Books, 1993. Taylor, S. B. Stoker's Dracula. The Explicator. Vol. 55. Sept. 1, 1996, (29-31) 1-3.Â
Friday, October 11, 2019
Maturational, Environmental and the Constructivist theories Essay
Theories of development are much more specific than paradigms or worldviews (Miller, 1993). A theory of development deals with change over time and is usually concerned with three things. First, it should describe changes over time within an area or several areas of development. Second, it should describe changes among areas of development. Third, it should explain these changes. No one theory has proved adequate to describe and explain learning or development. Numerous theories of development have influenced educational practices during the 20th century (Aldridge, Kuby, & Strevy, 1992), and currently a shift is affecting theories of child development and education. Some of the historical and current theories that have influenced education include Gesell’s (1925) maturational theory, Skinner’s (1974) behaviorist approach, Freud’s (1935) psychoanalytic theory, Piaget’s (1952) constructivist theory, Vygotsky’s (1978) socio-historical approach, Bronfen brenner’s (1989) ecological systems theory, and Gardner’s (1983) multiple intelligences theory. More recently, critical theory (see Kessler & Swadener, 1992) has influenced education and child development practices, even though critical theory is not a theory of development. Finally, postmodern conceptions have changed the way we think of children and how to educate them (Elkind, 1995, 2000/2001). There are several theories of a child development but three of them have a profound impact on kindergarten readiness practices. These three theories include maturational, environmental and constructivist perceptions of development. We will take a look to each one individually, and then we will compare them against each other. The maturational theory was highly developed by Arnold Gesell and continues to affect what goes on schools, mainly in early childhood classrooms. Arnold Gesell (1880-1961) followed the works of Darwin and other evolutionists, eventually developing the Gesell Maturational Theory. His theory contends that development in childhood and adolescence is primarily biological, or genetic, in origin. Biology and genetics inheritances determine predictable patterns of biological behavior that Gesell termed norms. He felt that children’s development patterns opened automatically by biology, as the unfolding of a flower does because it is genetically programmed to do so in the right environment. As the flower requires proper soil and rain, children require a nurturing, stable environment, and little else to mature both biologically and psychologically. In the company of renowned author and physician Benjamin Spock, who wrote Spock’s Baby and Child Care, Gesell was among the first professionals to compile developmental stage information with which parents could learn to understand their children. Because childhood and adolescent development is the product of millions of years of evolution, he mainly advocated sensitivity and understanding as parental approaches to development. Biology has already given children what they need to understand their own development. Gesell worked in a lab at Yale University, studying children and their developmental stages. He cataloged children’s behavior at various ages and described the norms in their collective development. As such, his theory is often grouped with normative-descriptive approaches, because it uses norms of development to describe the process of maturation. Gesell’s theory was groundbreaking because it implied that learning, illness; injury and life experiences were secondary, if at all influential, to biology and the evolution of the genetics that program a child’s development. Unless the child’s environment were so distorted as to be harmful, he felt that children were born with all the information their bodies needed for development and maturation. Genetics determine the developmental process and the timing of maturation, and parents could affect very little of this, except by being sensitive to cues learned from the descriptive norms. Maturational theory believers, think that development is a natural process that occurs automatically in conventional, chronological stages over time. This perspective leads many teachers and families to assume that young children will gain knowledge naturally and automatically as they mature. According to maturational theory, school readiness is a condition at which all healthy young children can perform tasks such as reciting the alphabet and counting. If a child is developmentally unready for school, maturationists might suggest referrals to transitional kindergartens, retention, or holding children out of school f or an additional year (DeCos, 1997). These practices are sometimes used by schools, educators, and parents when a young child developmentally lags behind his or her peers. The young child’s underperformance is interpreted as the child needing more time to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to perform at the level of his or her peer. Today, maturational theory is partially responsible for the existence of prekindergarten and pre first grades aimed at children who supposedly need the†gift of time,†because of immaturity or a late birthday. These classrooms tend to have a ratio of boys to girls of anywhere from 7:1 to 10:1 (Aldridge, Eddowes, & Kuby, 1998). These practitioners of maturational theory consider that any difficulty that a child is experience is found within the child. Another problem of the maturational theory is the late birthday. This means that children in the classrooms, who are the youngest, are being labeled as â€Å"late birthday†and are often branded by the teachers as being slower and less ready for instruction. Maturational theory strongly influenced the teaching of reading in the mid 1900s (Morphett & Washburne, 1931). Children were not thought to be ripe for reading until they had a mental age of six and a half years. Consequently, readiness activities were developed for children who were not yet ready to read. Some of this nonsense still occurs in preschool, kindergarten, and even primary-level classrooms. Today, maturational theory is partially responsible for the existence of prekindergarten and pre first grades aimed at children who supposedly need the†gift of time,†because of immaturity or a late birthday. These classrooms tend to have a ratio of boys to girls of anywhere from 7:1 to 10:1 (Aldridge, Eddowes, & Kuby, 1998). The environmental theory has at its development theorists such as J. Watson, B.F. Skinner and Albers Brandura, who contributed greatly to the theory perspective. Environmentalists believe the child’s environment shapes learning and behavior. The environmental theory emphasizes the role of the environment on an individual’s development. This environmental point of view leads many families to believe that young children develop and gain new information by reacting to their surroundings. Kindergarten readiness, according to the environmentalists, is the age or stage when young children can respond appropriately to the environment of the school and the classroom (e.g., rules and regulations, curriculum activities, positive behavior in group settings, and directions and instructions from teachers and other adults in the school). Teachers who are followers of this theory, believes that the ability to respond appropriately to this environment is necessary for young children to participate in teacher initiated learning activities, and that the child success depends on following the teacher instruction. Many environmentalist-influenced educators and parents believe that young children learn best by rote activities, such as reciting the alphabet over and over, copying letters, and tracing numbers. These viewpoints are evident in kindergarten classrooms where young children are expected to sit at desks arranged in rows and listen attentively to their teachers. While at home children are provided with workbooks containing activities such as coloring or tracing numbers and letters. Also this theory proposed that children are influenced by the multiple systems in which they reside, either directly or peripherally. These systems include the microsystem, the mesosystem, the exosystem, and the macrosystem. Applications of this contextual theory focus on the seemingly endless variables within the child, and between the child and the numerous contexts affecting her. Although few people would quarrel with the importance of these influences, trying to account for all the endless interactions and variables affecting a child is exhausting and impractical. How would we ever have enough information about children’s temperament, activity levels, attentional states, or learning capaciti es as they relate to the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem? The next theory is the constructivist. Its perspective was advanced by theorists such as Piaget, Montessori and Vygotsky. It can be described as a theory that deals with the way people create meaning of the world through a series of individual constructs. Constructs are the different types of filters we choose to place over our realities to change our reality from chaos to order. Von Glasersfeld describes constructivism as, â€Å"a theory of knowledge with roots in philosophy, psychology, and cybernetics†. Simply stated, it is a learning process which allows a student to experience an environment first-hand, thereby, giving the student reliable, trust-worthy knowledge. The student is required to act upon the environment to both acquire and test new knowledge. This theory relies heavily on logical-mathematical knowledge and universal invariant stages of development to the neglect of other forms of knowledge and the importance of context in a child’s development. Even though knowledge is constructed from the â€Å"inside out†through interaction with the environment, the focus is more on the individual’s coordination of relationships rather than on socially constructed knowledge. Constructivists view young children as dynamic members in learning process, and are consistent in their belief that learning and development take place when young children interact with the environment and people around them. Because active interaction with the environment and people are necessary for learning and development, constructivists believe that children are ready for school when they can initiate many of the interactions they have with the environment and people around them. During kindergarten, classrooms are separated into different learning centers, and are prepared with developmentally materials for young children to play and manipulate. During home parents engage their young children in reading and storytelling activities and encourage children to participate in daily household activities, in a way that introduces concepts as counting and language use. In addition, parents may provide young children with picture books containing very large print, and toys that stimulate interaction (such as building blocks and large puzzles). When a young child encounters difficulties in the learning process, the constructivist approach is neither to label the child nor to retain him or her; instead, constructivists give the child some individualized attention and customize the classroom curriculum to help the child address his or her difficulties. Autonomy is the aim of education in constructivism (Kamii, 2000). Constructivist theory, however, has not adequately addressed either individual differences or cultural and contextual contributions to development and education (Delpit, 1988; Kessler & Swadener, 1992; Mallory & New, 1994). Thus, the needs of children who are different often are not met in constructivist classrooms. Today, most researchers have come to understand child development and learning process as expressed by the constructivist. However many parents and teachers still believes that children who cannot recite the alphabet or count are not ready for school. References Buchwald J (1987), â€Å"A comparison of plasticity in sensory and cognitive processing systems†, in Gunzenhauser N, Infant Stimulation, Skillman NJ: Johnson & Johnson Mind in Society: The development of higher psychological processes (Translation by Michael Cole), Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978 (Published originally in Russian in 1930) Mossler, R.A. (2011). Child and adolescent development. Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Powell, D.R. (1991, July). Strengthening parental contributions to school readiness and early school learning (Paper commissioned by the Office of Educational Research and Improvement). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education. Vygotsky, L.S. (1998). Child psychology. The collected works of L. S. Vygotsky: Vol. 5. Problems of the theory and history of psychology. New York: Plenum. White, S.H.(1968). The learning maturation controversy: Hall to Hull. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Big Skinny
In 2010, Big Skinny CEO Kiril Alexandrov was looking to transcend from retail distribution and print advertising to the world of online marketing to achieve maximum growth. The retail sales pitch was an easy one, as Alexandrov focused on the value of the wallet and the impulsiveness of consumers (Benjamin & Kominers, 2012). Unfortunately, translating this type of sales pitch was much harder to do in the world of cyberspace. Big Skinny centered their online marketing efforts around display Ads, keyword searches, social media and relationships with online distributors and deep discounted sites such as Amazon and Groupon respectively.The expansion caused much hardship, as Big Skinny received negative feedback on the review website Yelp that stemmed from their Groupon experiment. They also faced a glitch in their online promotion that allowed 4,000 people to order free wallets from their online store. Big Skinny needs to refocus their online marketing strategy by getting rid of display A ds, refining keyword searches and severing ties with deep discounted sites. Big Skinny can create value for their product and manage their orders better by being more selective with who distributes their product and by keeping the price steady.A more seasonal approach surrounding keyword searches can create new revenue from those who are looking to make quick and impulsive purchases. Lastly, by being responsible for who distributes their products, Big Skinny can deliver their product in prompt and timely manner, which will resolve the majority of customer complaints against Big Skinny. Problem Statement Despite successful in-person sales campaigns, Big Skinny struggled to find an effective online marketing platform that would grow and connect them to their consumer base.Big Skinny also ran into glitches with their current online marketing campaigns that brought unwanted negative attention and resentment towards the company. Data Analysis When Big Skinny transcended into the world of online marketing, it had to develop a way to attract visitors to the website while attempting to convince these visitors to buy wallets. Since most of their wallets were being sold at trade shows or retail stores that centered on a straight-forward approach regarding impulse and value, the translation of this strategy to the internet proved to be a tall task.Big Skinny looked at various means of advertising such as display ads, algorithmic search, sponsored search, A/B Testing and social media. Display ads offered a two-frame animation; however, the click-through rate of general display ads in 2009 was only . 1% (Bejamin & Kominers, 2012). Algorithmic searches use algorithms that the search engine deems most relevant to the user’s query. The websites that most resemble the query appear the highest on the search engine’s list. Sponsored searches use keywords that the advertisers specify that they want to target.These are mostly sold on a â€Å"per-click†basis; however the company loses money if the clicks aren’t converted into sales. A/B testing is a marketing technique that shows different advertisements to different users to compare the response rates between the two. Lastly, social media utilizes websites such as Facebook and Twitter to try and create an interactive relationship with consumers. Alternatives 1. Big Skinny could eliminate their means of online distribution and paid online marketing, only utilizing social media and their website to conduct advertising and business transactions. 2.Big Skinny could be more selective in their selection of online distribution, while tailoring their paid sponsored searches to generate interest and sales. 3. Big Skinny could scrap their online marketing plans, with the exception of social media, and reallot their advertising money strictly on deep discounted sites like Groupon and Living Social. 4. Big Skinny could focus their efforts on expanding in more brick and mortar retail stores b y target marketing towards different demographics. They could use traditional media such as TV and radio to drive these efforts. Key Decision Criteria 1.Increase customer satisfaction and corporate image 2. Increase sales and market share 3. Improve (or at least maintain) profitability 4. Ease or speed of implantation 5. Be consistent with corporate mission or strategy 6. Within our present resources or capabilities 7. Within acceptable risk parameters 8. Minimize environmental impact 9. Maintain and build employee morale and pride Alternatives Analysis 1. By limiting their online marketing to free social media sites such as Twitter or Facebook, Big Skinny can greatly reduce their marketing costs. With display advertisements only getting clicked through .1% of the time the money is essentially thrown away. Investing in A/B testing requires the hiring of a permanent person and huge overhead. Getting rid of online distributors allows Big Skinny to eliminate the 7-15% commission they p ay to Amazon and eBay while being able to manage their order load. Social Media is more than enough because 71% of social media participants say they are more likely to purchase from a brand they follow online. 91% of local searchers say they use Facebook to find local businesses online (Bennett, 2013). The cons of this are that they are missing out on a lot of potential customers by eliminating Amazon and eBay.While online paid marketing can be expensive, there is still benefit to sponsored searches. Some of the cost per conversions are profitable and by completely eliminating these searches would be throwing away potential opportunities. 2. The pros of Big Skinny being more selective with their online distributors allows for a happy customer base. There have been several negative reviews on the Yelp site regarding slow delivery and non-existent customer service. By eliminating deep discounting sites such as Groupon, Big Skinny can manage their order load and keep customers happy.B ig Skinny would also keep the revenue from the top paid sponsored searches rather than eliminating them all together. The negatives of this are that Big Skinny could miss out on a lot of revenue by not using Groupon or Living Social. They could also miss out on the repeat customers that are generated by these sites as well as missing out on the people who want to try their product without having to pay full price. 3. Instead of eliminating sites like Groupon and Living Social, Big Skinny could embrace the huge influx of customers that it brings.According to the customer satisfaction and analytics company ForeSee, 91% of customers have already or plan to conduct business with the merchant since buying the deal (Bedigian, 2013). This strategy generates a large influx of customers in a short time while attempting to generate residual income by repeat customers. The cons of this are that company’s often lose money during the initial Groupon. The product is discounted by 50% or mo re and then Groupon takes a 50% commission on the sale price, which leaves the seller receiving only 25%of the original selling price of the item (which in some cases is less than the cost of the item). Forbes has found that 1/3rd of businesses have lost money on a Groupon deal and there is no guarantee that the customers ever return to pay full price from the merchant again (Gleeson, 2012). 4. The pros of using a more traditional advertising medium such as TV or radio would bring brand recognition for Big Skinny. Big Skinny has always had success selling in retail stores because they market their products based on value and impulse.By putting the product in more retail stores, there is a greater chance people will put it in their hands and buy on impulse. Instead of targeting just one big audience, Big Skinny should advertise by target market such as Big Skinny Sport or Big Skinny Women. By doing this they could partner with big retail chains to get into more stores and generate mo re revenue the old fashioned way. The average time an American spends watching TV is 5 hours compared to just 1 hour browsing the internet, which leads for greater exposure.The cons of doing this are that TV advertising is much more expensive than online marketing (Nielsen, 1997). Another con is Tivo allows people to record their favorite shows and then fast-forward past the commercials. The last con is that TV advertising seems to be a thing of the past, as the amount spent on TV advertising was only up 4. 5% in 2011 as compared to 21. 7% via online marketing (Gleeson, 2012). Recommendations Based on the data, it is best for Big Skinny to be more selective of their online distribution, while tailoring their paid sponsored searches to generate interest and sales.In regards to online distribution, Big Skinny should keep eBay and Amazon, however, should drop deep-discount sites such as Groupon or Living Social. To offer a Groupon deal, Big Skinny is guaranteed to be taking a loss. To be eligible to offer a Groupon, Big Skinny must discount the price of their wallet by at least 50%. This turns a $20 wallet into a $10 wallet. Groupon takes a commission of 50% on the sale price, which leaves Big Skinny walking away with only $5 for every wallet sold (Bice, 2012). Essentially, they are taking a loss with every wallet they sell on Groupon.The goal of a Groupon is to try and get repeat customers; however, the people that use Groupon are bargain-hunters. They won’t return to Big Skinny, but rather, they will return to Groupon again looking for another bargain deal. By using Groupon, Big Skinny also decreases the value of their brand (Gibbard, 2011). Why would a customer pay full price for a $40 wallet when they just bought it on Groupon for $15 or $20 just a short time ago? In addition to dropping Groupon, Big Skinny needs to manage their online distribution better because of customer satisfaction issues.On the review site Yelp, Big Skinny’s wallets are o nly receiving a rating of 2. 5 out of 5 stars. A lot of the reviews include gripes about not receiving their order for 3-4 weeks or non-existent customer service (most of the negative reviews are from users who bought a Big Skinny wallet on Groupon). If the online distributor doesn’t ship your product in a timely manner, your company risks a tarnished reputation. Whether Big Skinny didn’t have enough stock to fulfill orders or whether Groupon didn’t ship the products in a timely manner, Big Skinny is taking the fall and abuse from customers.When people do research for a product they are going to see Big Skinny’s products with poor ratings. These poor ratings can scare potential customers away. Big Skinny should only use Amazon, eBay and their website to sell their wallets. This allows them to manage their inventory, not get behind on orders and make sure their product gets shipped in a timely manner. Big Skinny has excellent Amazon ratings and should cont inue to grow their product through the sterling reputation of Amazon. They should sell the product for a higher price on their website so that people are encouraged to buy through Amazon.This is a win-win for Big Skinny because if people buy through Amazon then Big Skinny doesn’t have to waste time and effort fulfilling and shipping orders. If they choose to buy direct than Big Skinny receives a larger profit on their wallets. Lastly, Big Skinny needs to tailor their sponsored keyword searches. They need to eliminate the term â€Å"leather wallet. †They don’t manufacture a true leather wallet and the cost per conversion for this keyword is a sky-high $20. 26. Big Skinny should also bid less for the term â€Å"thinnest wallet. †The cost per conversion for â€Å"thinnest wallet†also has a high cost, which is $10.53.After replacing leather wallet and lowering the bid for thinnest wallet, Big Skinny should add keywords centered on holidays. Wallets are popular gifts on occasions such as Father’s Day and Christmas. Big Skinny should add season keywords such as â€Å"Father’s Day Wallet,†â€Å"Wallet for Dad,†â€Å"Best Wallet for Gift†and â€Å"Wallet for Christmas. †This will bring seasonal shoppers into the mix who are looking to spend quickly and impulsively. Action and Implementation Plan CEO Kiril Alexandrov will be responsible for delegating the following tasks.The Director of Marketing will pull any promotions or future plans with deep discounted sites such as Groupon or Living Social. The Director of Marketing in combination with the Director of Product Management will reach out to all of those who left negative reviews on Yelp to satisfy the customer complaints and retract the negative ratings. The Director of Sales will carefully select the online distribution channels which Big Skinny will sell through. Big Skinny will only sell through Amazon, eBay and any online outlets of the retail stores that they are currently featured in.The Director of Sales will also raise the prices of wallets on the Big Skinny Website by 10-15% to create value for the product and promote customers to purchase through the select online distribution. Doing this saves Big Skinny the time it would take to fulfill and pack orders, however, if a customer decides to purchase direct, then Big Skinny recoups the 10-15% it would pay Amazon or eBay to sell and fulfill the order. This new price point will be conveyed in a message from the Director of Sales to Big Skinny’s distribution channel.
Napoleon Bonaparte DBQ Essay
The ideals of the French Revolution were â€Å"Equality, Liberty, and Fraternity,†but the methods that were used to fulfill these goals were complicated. During the Reign of Terror, about 40,000 people were guillotined because of Maximilien Robespierre. He thought that “Liberty could not be secured unless criminals lose their headsÂâ€. Napoleon Bonaparte, a Revolutionary hero, seized control of the government in France in 1799, he was looking to bring peace to the French people by ending the Revolution. For this to be done, he had to be in complete control like a monarch or a dictator. However, the French people still wanted to have some of the privileges they had during the Revolution. Napoleon Bonaparte stabilized and united French society, yet supported the ideals of French Revolution. Peace came to France with Napoleon’s strong rule. After making himself a consul for life, he re-established the French monarchy, naming himself Emperor Napoleon I in 1804. He centralized French government by appointing new officials, made tax collections more efficient, and created a National Bank. He believed that he was chosen by God to be in power and made others believe it through the Napoleon Catechism. It showed the French people that Napoleon was blessed to get the throne. â€Å"Â…he whom God had raised up under difficult circumstances to re-establish the public worship of the holy religion of our fathers and to be the protector of it†(Document 7). Napoleon brought civil rights back to France through codes and treaties that talk about revolutionary ideals. The Napoleonic Code is an example. It recognized the equality of all citizens before the law, protected property rights, safeguarded employers by outlawing trade unions and strikes, and supported religion. Napoleon also signed the Concordat of 1801 with the Pope to reverse the dechristianization attempts made during the â€Å"Republic of Virtue.†Napoleon was not a religious man, he realized that most people needed to practice their faith. This made the Catholic Church an ally and they retained the power to nominate bishops, in return, the Pope agreed to recognize the accomplishments of the Revolution and to not question the ownership of the land that had been distributed back then. Napoleon wanted to be the emperor of all of Europe. This could be foreseen in Jacques Louis David’s painting of Napoleon’s Crossing the Alps (Document 4), where he was portrayed with power, strength and an iron fist. He was a short man, but had an extremely large ego. He controlled a strong army and conquered much of Europe. His empire was made up of the Italian and German states, Spain, Western Russia (for a short amount of time), and Switzerland. With all his power, he still did not mistreat the citizens of the newly conquered territories. He abolished feudal rights and the internal trade barriers in Spain with his Imperial Decree at Madrid in 1808. Napoleon’s concern for the inhabitants of Westphalia was expressed in his letter to Jerome Napoleon in 1807: â€Å"I want your subjects to enjoy a higher degree of liberty, equality, and prosperity hitherto unknown to the German people†(Document 7). Napoleon’s monarch rules stabilized and unified French society, as well as supported some of the ideals of the French Revolution but, Napoleon considered himself friendless and Count Mole perceived the thought behind Napoleon’s actions as â€Å"nothing but his own gratification, of magnifying himself and his power without limit and without rest†(Document 2). The middle class, who had fought a bloody revolution to end absolute rulers, tolerate Napoleon’s ways. With Napoleon in charge their ideals and rights were safe, they would accepted more his policies and given up some of their basic civil rights. Napoleon Bonaparte, 1769-1821, 2008)
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE - Essay Example The pilot group will usually undergo the clinical trial, while the control group is barely affected. By using the confidence interval function, the researcher will possibly avoid erroneous conclusions that the pilot and control group have the same result in case non-significant results are reported. Furthermore, the pilot study in this case measured the Critical Reading of Research Journals Plus teachings with nurses in intensive care units. The purpose for the study was to determine whether the experience of improved education, from published research, would improve nurses’ research self-efficiency. Swenson-Britt and Reineck (2009) show that, the statistical significance from the pilot study by conducting a paired t-test, there is an increase on three out of the four subscales in research self-efficiency. However, the clinical significance from this study reveals that using a course may or may not improve research self-efficacy of nurses under practice (Swenson-Britt & Reineck, 2009, p. 460-461). While including a mentor would most probably improve the result, the clinical significance conclusion seems weaker. In conclusion, researcher may rely on one of the two contrasting approaches to decision making-the clinical significance or statistical significance. The former seems to hinge on the researcher’s judgmental interpretation and accuracy, while the latter seems to be robust in my opinion. This is because statistical significance over a long time has proved to be uncorrelated to research findings and has exhibited greater accuracy in its approach. Swenson-Britt, E., & Reineck, C. (January 01, 2009). Research education for clinical nurses: a pilot study to determine research self-efficacy in critical care nurses. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 40, 10,
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Wag the Dog Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Wag the Dog - Assignment Example This influence of media is clearly seen in the movie entitled Wag the Dog. This paper aims to critique the aforementioned movie in terms of the effects of media and the movie itself as a form of media. Wag the Dog tells the story of a film producer named Stanley Motts, played by Dustin Hoffman and a political adviser, Conrad Brean who is portrayed by Robert De Niro. After a scandal about the president molesting a young girl just a few days before the election, Brean is tasked to ensure his win despite the scandal. Consequently, Brean goes to Motts to â€Å"produce†a war in order to divert the attention of the public to a more important and serious concern. A play about a young Albanian girl running from a village is run as a real news event that mobilized the CIA. Consequently, the produced â€Å"war news†lost its magic when the CIA declared that there are no signs of war or threats on the country. The adviser and producer again make a story about a war hero. This time, the production works its wonders and makes the president a good product. Unfortunately, the producers failed to investigate on the background of their choice actor and they faced the problem of answ ering the possible questions of the people. The producer however, finds a solution to their every problem and they finally bring home their fallen hero for his highly publicized funeral. This made the president’s statistics positive, assuring him of a win during the elections. Meanwhile, the producer craves for the credit for his best production yet. Wanting to protect the confidential information, Brean has to silence Motts. Later, he is announced to have died of a massive heart attack while sunbathing. The president was re-elected and the show continues regarding the Albanian war. The aforementioned movie portrays the effect of media to how people perceive their surroundings. A war can be created and it
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Managing in a Strategic Business Context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Managing in a Strategic Business Context - Essay Example An organization like HSBC Bank (especially Business Banking) believes that, if an organization follows like them the theories and concepts of the contemporary organizational context and the strategic management related to members, then it is not impossible to achieve the organizational goals accordingly. The aim of any SWOT analysis is to identify the key internal and external factors that are important to achieve the objective of an organization. SWOT analysis distinguishes key pieces of information into two main categories3: The internal factors may be identified as strengths or weaknesses depending upon their impact on the organization's objectives. What may represent strengths with respect to one objective may be weaknesses for another objective. The factors may include all of the 4P's 2 in accordance with personnel, finance, manufacturing capabilities, and so on. The external factors may influence macroeconomic matters, technological change, legislation, and socio-cultural changes, with the changes in the marketplace or competitive position. The results are usually represented in the form of a matrix. SWOT analysis is only method of categorisation and has its own weaknesses. For example, it may tend to persuade companies to compile lists rather than think about what is really important to achieve organizational goals. ... For example, it may tend to persuade companies to compile lists rather than think about what is really important to achieve organizational goals. It also represents the resulting lists simply and without clear prioritization so that, for example, weak opportunities may evolve to balance strong threats. Examples of Strengths and Weaknesses of HSBC Bank: Resources: Financial, intellectual and location are the strengths of the mentioned bank. Because HSBC Bank uses financial and intellectual resources to provide up to the mark services to the customers. Customer Service: As a service provider, customers are the main concern of HSBC Business Banking Sector. They believe that customers' satisfaction brings their success. They also assume this as their strength. Efficiency: Efficiency is the strength for the HSBC Bank as it ensures customers' satisfaction and organization's success. Quality: Quality is the strength for HSBC as they have good quality service. But in some cases they face it as weakness when they can't maintain the standard.Staff: In today's competitive market, inadequate number of staff is a weakness for HSBC. Management: HSBC Business Banking Sector works with Strategic Management, which helps them to work easily, and it is assumed as their strength that's why. Principles: HSBC Bank believes in good service providing to the customers in an effective and reasonable manner. This is the key component of their success. That's why they assume their principles as their strength of work. Examples of Opportunities and Threats of HSBC Bank3: Political/Legal: Political and legal unrest situations are often threats for the HSBC Business Banking Sector as it hampers their total management. Market Trends:
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Marketing service Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Marketing service - Essay Example After the demise of Cook, many other travel agents came who fulfilled the holiday and society desires for people for this novel transportation means, train. Since then, offices kept opening up to public in United Kingdom and the genuine ‘travel agencies’ came into existence. These travel agencies grew in hundreds and multiples and the invention of air package holiday in the year 1950 the number augmented by thousands as they reached 8,000 during 1990s. Today there are approximately 7000 travel agents in United Kingdom alone.1 Business travelers in United kingdom might select one of the United Kingdom’s assigned travel agents. The AAA Corporate Travel Services is the leading travel agency, in addition to the second agency which is off the campus called Avant Travel. The AAA Concur is on top of the online services of reservation in United Kingdom. Even though everyone in United Kingdom prefer arrangements by UK travel agents; they may decide on a different travel ag ent other than the UK travel, or any other organization than Concur. But, if they prefer to do so then a certain amount will be printed by Concur and it is submitted to travel agent for the aim of reimbursement. Personal credit card is mandated when any other vendor other than UK one is used and the amount of travel is reimbursed after the travel. 2 The liked method of business payment is the University Procurement Card which is favored payment method for the business airline tickets which can be purchased via Concur, AAA, and Avant Travel. The personal credit card is of immense value especially in case of a different vendor. The amount is reimbursed after the complete travel. This procurement card can be utilized for tax charges and business hotel room, conference registration fees, and rental car charges. Various travel discounts have been secured by United Kingdom. These discounts were discussed with Continental Airlines, Northwest Airlines, and Delta Airlines. The fares are stil l unpublished and are only on the sites of United Kingdom’s own travel agents. United Kingdom has many rental car discounts with national Car Rental and Enterprise Rent-A-Car and these discounts are discussed at various hotels. The aim of Travel agents is to make the business efficient and pleasurable for the customers.3 Many travel firms of United Kingdom believe that if you can survive in hard times then you can easily flourish in times of boom. The market is drastically becoming mature and recession increasing and so the United Kingdom travel agents face a lot of challenges today to survive in the market. Holidays today are a huge priority for people as they spent an indispensable amount on holidays. Therefore, there is a lot of pressure on the travel agents to come up with better deals and at the same time, offer an even greater protection for consumers. In these lean times, the firms are definitely looking for opportunities abroad and comprehend the challenges they might face for a feasible future. The recession is the biggest challenge which I no doubt decreasing the consumer spending and even if the things haven’t been great for some time, recession is on its verge today. Travel agents have reduced their capability for holiday programs and ‘de-risk model of business. 4 The finance cost and access to it is another challenge that the travel services are facing today. The seasonal travel needs efficient financial market at right rates when most needed. Also, the ways to protect
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