Thursday, December 26, 2019
Significant Information About Plastic Surgery - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1560 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/08/08 Category Medicine Essay Level High school Tags: Plastic Surgery Essay Did you like this example? Costs, risks and the most important information Hardly a woman is satisfied with her appearance and fewer and fewer men. Up to 400,000 Germans therefore opt for a plastic surgery every year. At the top of the list of the most requested procedures are breast surgery, facelift and nose surgery. But there are also other cosmetic surgery offered. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Significant Information About Plastic Surgery" essay for you Create order Anyone who has opted for a cosmetic correction with a scalpel should definitely visit a specialist in a renowned clinic. Black sheep with little experience in the field of cosmetic surgery, there is namely sand on the sea. Particularly important is an in-depth consultation. Here, the doctor should inquire exactly the wishes and the motivation of the patient. But what are the risks of plastic surgery? And what costs do you have to expect? Risks of a plastic surgery Every operation carries certain dangers, as cosmetic surgery is no exception. It can lead to severe scarring, bleeding and swelling. But sensibility disorders, allergic reactions and infections are not excluded. However, these are not all the risks of plastic surgery: Even with anesthesia, it can lead to complications from nausea and vomiting about blood pressure drop to arrhythmia much is possible. And do not forget: Even cosmetic procedures are associated with pain. Other risks of plastic surgery are the result: no doctor can give a guarantee that the patient looks the same afterwards as he would like. Because that depends partly on the predisposition and the texture of the fabric. The risks of a plastic surgery should therefore always be weighed exactly against the suffering. Cost of a plastic surgery The cost of plastic surgery depends on the nature and extent of the planned measures. Roughly speaking, a nose surgery costs between 3000 and 5000 euros, a breast augmentation 4500 to 7000 euros. For a facelift you have to pay 4,000 to 12,000 euros. Liposuction costs between 1500 and 4000 euros, depending on the problem area to be treated. WHAT DOES THE CASHIER PAY? Correction of the nose In cases of heavy breathing or a crooked nasal septum, aesthetic corrections can also be made. However, there is only a cost advantage for the patient! Although he pays the aesthetic surgery itself, but the cashier accepts the anesthetic, hospital and material costs. Possible costs: 1000 to 1500 euros. Whether airway obstruction needs correcting can be determined by an objective respiratory function test. Even if the nose has been deformed by an accident, the health insurance company must take all the costs for a correction. Correction of eyelid and bags breast augmentation breast reduction Removal of the grease apron Putting on the ears If it concerns a purely aesthetic intervention, take over the health insurance companies no costs. They participate in the cost of plastic surgery only if the body deviates strongly from the norm and the procedure is medically necessary. This is the case, for example, when very large breasts cause back problems. breast surgery EnlargeA beautiful, firm breast is the ideal for many women. It is no coincidence that breast augmentation, breast reduction and breast lift are among the most common cosmetic surgeries. A beautiful, firm breast is the ideal for many women. It is no coincidence that breast augmentation, breast reduction and breast lift are among the most common cosmetic surgeries. Photo: detail view Fotolia The female breast should be firm, not too small and not too big. Thats at least the ideal of most people. The reality is often different: many women are dissatisfied with the size or shape of their breasts. In the worst case, their self-confidence can suffer as well. More and more women then consider breast surgery as the best solution. Therefore, breast augmentation, breast lift and breast reduction are now among the most common cosmetic surgery. The interventions are usually performed stationary. In the run-up to breast surgery there is an extensive consultation with the attending physician. As a rule, you have to pay for the costs yourself. If the operation is necessary from a medical point of view, the health insurances also participate in part. facelift The natural aging process leads to more or less pronounced wrinkles on the face and neck, which can greatly change the appearance. With a facelift, these signs of time can be largely ironed out: the skin is tightened on the forehead, temples, cheeks and neck, which suddenly makes one look up to ten years younger. From minilifting to complete facelifting, there are many different surgical techniques. BOTOX Is Botox a poison? Yes and no. Whether a substance is a poison or not depends solely on the dose. The active ingredient Botulinum is injected aesthetically in such small and diluted quantities that the muscles are relaxed completely harmless. For a hazard would have to administer more than 100 ampoules (equivalent to more than 30 000 ?‚ ¬). Can it lead to bacterial food poisoning in my body? Can my forehead remain paralyzed after a Botox treatment? Can Botox accumulate in my body for years? Can Botox move through the body into the brain? Botox against eye lines does it affect the production of tear fluid? Is it possible that swallowing problems occur after treatment? What happens if the doctor hits a vein and the Botox gets into my blood stream? Will it be ineffective after several applications? Does Botox really help with depression? Does Botox damage my kidneys and liver when it breaks down (similar to alcohol)? Is the likelihood of developing Alzheimers disease greater after Botox treatment? Are Botox and Filler the same? Before deciding on a specific lifting method, you should seek the advice of a surgeon. How long the result of a lift will last depends on the individual equipment and the condition of the fabric. After eight to ten years, the facelift can be repeated. Rhinoplasty Nose surgery is the brainchild of many people who disagree with the appearance of their nose. Some are dissatisfied with their nasal syringe, others suffer from crooked or large noses. This can significantly affect self-esteem and body awareness. A nose operation is not necessarily a cosmetic operation. It may also have medical reasons, such as the removal of polyps or the necessary straightening of the nasal septum. In order to get an accurate idea of †¹Ã¢â‚¬ ¹the operation, a detailed discussion with the treating surgeon is very advisable. Complications are more of an exception for nose surgery. However, there is always a risk. Therefore, such an operation should only be done in a reputable clinic by a qualified doctor. Other cosmetic surgery The good looks of a person does not necessarily have something to do with ideal measures. Basically, naturalness is the most attractive. But of course you can also help nature a bit. When healthy nutrition, exercise and personal hygiene alone do not produce the desired result, many dissatisfied people get into the hands of a cosmetic surgeon. In women, in addition to the breast and nose surgery and the facelifting especially liposuction, wrinkle injection, tummy tuck or lip augmentation are in demand. However, there are other cosmetic surgeries, some of which are a bit more delicate: for example, genital surgery is enjoying increasing popularity. Men are also increasingly turning to plastic surgery. They have mostly similar operation wishes as women. Other cosmetic surgeries particularly favored by men include hair transplants, chin corrections, and the removal of sweat glands. More about cosmetic surgery The more sought cosmetic surgery, the more they are discussed in the media. The spectrum of topics ranges from the dangerous body cult of young girls to life-saving measures. More about cosmetic surgery from a medical point of view can be found in plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery. In many places even highly specialized beauty clinics have established themselves. Here are answers to all questions about costs, risks and treatment. INFO BEAUTY SURGERY How do I recognize good implants or secure fillers? Prof. Henig: Newer implants used in aesthetic surgery today have highly cohesive silicone gels surrounded by a thick capsule of up to ten individual layers. The safety factor is very high. These approvals and certifications give an indication of reliable, certified fillers and / or implants:  Approval in Germany by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM)  CE certification: The CE mark (Conformite Europeenne) is an important approval. It states that the product in question meets the EU quality standards. But: The CE certificate is not a universal seal of quality. It does not mean that the treatment is without risks and side effects.  The FDA is the United States Food and Drug Administration and an agency with very stringent and stringent regulatory requirements for a medical device. An FDA approval is an additional, high quality criterion. In more than one million women, the effect of silicone on the body has been studied. Silicone is one of the best studied substances in medicine. A carcinogenic or rheumatic property has not been explicitly demonstrated. Damage to the immune system is not scientifically proven. Do I always get an implant passport, even for surgery abroad? What are the risks of cosmetic surgery? What are the costs of removing defect implants? More about plastic surgery offers the Internet. Plastic surgery on relevant pages has long ceased to be a taboo topic. You can also discuss the curse or blessing of the controversial cosmetic surgery in numerous online forums. There they get the opportunity to exchange views.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Video Games Are Not Just An Unproductive Waste Of Time
Throughout its conception, video games were viewed by society as a waste of childhood and a plague that limits productivity for adults. In Nicholas Ray’s Rebel without a Cause. James Dean, assumes the role as the protagonist that exemplifies the ideal of cool within the United States during the 1950s. This sort of rebel cool that opposes society and opens individuality forms the base for what I believe is cool. Cool is the act of performing a craft that you love without any need for societal views. The concept that connects with my definition of cool is playing video games as adults. The end goal and purpose of my presentation is to persuade my audience of young adults that videogames are not just an unproductive waste of time. Video games are regarded in society as a time sink that limits productivity among adults. Video games are depicted by media through movies and books as a craft that only socially inept adults play, hence the popular â€Å"living in mom’s basemen t†phrase. The pressure for playing video games are mainly concentrated upon young adults who are taking up new responsibilities such as college, work, or sports. This is also shown in media as the socially inept gamer finally leaves his comfort shell of video games and takes his life back, without the video games. Because of this, I chose video games as my concept of rebel cool that goes against society. For this specific presentation the audience that fits my concept of cool are UCI students. UCI students areShow MoreRelatedI Am An Outsider Of The Cinephile World1070 Words  | 5 Pagesattempted to engage me in the cyberculture, but has been unsuccessful because I fail to share the same passion, enthusiasm, and appreciation for film that he does. In my experience, I don’t like to watch movies because I feel they are simply a waste of time. Two hours of silence among people staring at moving pixels on a monitor does not appeal to me and I typically find myself eager for it to be over. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
E-Commerce Technology for Ubiquity and Global Reach-myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theE-Commerce Technology for Ubiquity and Global Reach. Answer: The unique features of e- commerce technology include richness, ubiquity, global reach, universal standards, information density, interactivity and social technology. The range of ecommerce technology is across national cultures and traditional boundaries and enables the client access worldwide content. E-commerce technology is available everywhere and every time. Consumer can connect to the internet from anywhere including their offices, homes, etc. Complex and content-rich information can be easily sent without sacrificing its reach. Record keeping has also become simple with the help of e-commerce technology. Moreover, the same standards of internet and of directing ecommerce are common in all nations across the globe. The volume and quality of information accessible to market participants has become cheaper to deliver and is massively increased. Interaction is facilitated by ecommerce technology by allowing two sided communication between consumer and the business. Social network ing technologies and generation of user content are the most useful features through which client activity is accelerated for sharing information and content in a single click (Laudon, Laudon Dass, 2010). E-commerce technology is significant for business as it allows the customers to make purchases according to their convenience from their smartphone, tablet or home computer. E-commerce technology helps the businesses by making their products available to the customers across the globe. Businesses are easily capable of keeping the records without sacrificing their security. Easy communication is facilitated with the customers and increases the popularity of business in the marketplace (Schneider, 2014). The process to be followed in building an e-commerce website includes selecting a domain for e-commerce website which provides a recognizable brand, a professional email address and search engine optimization benefits. Then the selection of right platform is required to be made which is easy to use and flexible. The next step involves designing the store by adding blog posts, products, images, videos, etc. and making the selection of correct theme that showcases the products and brand in the best possible light. Then two key aspects of payments are required to be considered i.e. the manner of payments by the customers and the manner in which such payments will be transferred to the bank account. This also requires searching for a third party payment processor for acting as a link. The next step involves adding products to the ecommerce website along with providing their names and description, uploading photos, setting prices and available quantities for sale. This also requires providing the range of payment and delivery options. Then the website is tested at the checkout for working on tablets and smartphones and letting people for purchasing multiple items. Last and the most important step in the process is search engine optimization which will assist people in searching the ecommerce website, services and products online (Geoff, 2017). The tools that can be used for establishing secure internet connection channels include Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Virtual Private Network (VPN). SSL establishes a secure internet connection between two computers by providing a negotiated and secure client-server session in which the requested documents content and URL is encrypted. VPN allows secure access to internal network to remote users via internet through Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) (Harwood, 2010). For protecting the network, firewall and proxy servers can be used. Firewall is the hardware or software with the help of which packets are filtered by using security policy. Its main approaches include application gateways and packet filters. Proxy servers are the software servers that are responsible for handling the communication being sent to or originated from the internet. It can be used for restricting the access to some sites such as stock trading or auction or to store web pages that are frequently accessed for reducing download times. For the protection of servers and clients, operating system security enhancements including upgrades and patches and anti-virus software can be used. Anti-virus software is the least expensive and easiest way for preventing threats to integrity of system. For this they need to be regularly upgraded (Guise, 2017). The main technologies that support online marketing include advertising networks, data mining and data warehouses, cookies and web bugs, web transaction logs and customer relationship management systems. Advertising networks collects the user behavioral data and presents user with appropriate banner advertisement. Data mining allows the measurement of customer response by collecting the relevant customer data. Data warehouse collects the customer and transactional data in a single location and is provided to the site managers or marketers for offline analysis (Gay, Charlesworth Esen, 2007). Moreover, cookies provide the online marketers with a means for identifying customers and understanding their prior behavior. Web bugs are used for automatically transmitting information regarding the page and user to the monitoring server. Web transaction logs keep the record of user activity and provides ample of marketing information to the marketers. Customer relationship management systems act as the repository of information of customers. It keeps psychographic and demographic data, contact history, usage and product summary data, etc. Social network involve a group of individuals in its online community that are encouraged to share their music, photos, ideas, videos, interests and stories with other registered members (Lin, Fan Chau, 2014). Social networks share common ties and social interaction among its members who share an area for a particular time period. Portals are general- purpose content providers having a diverse selection of capabilities and features. A number of internet services are offered at a portal from a particular convenient location (Memon Alhajj, 2010). The difference between social networks and portals is that members are exclusively responsible for content creation in social networks whereas content is created and aggregated from elsewhere in case of portals. The similarity between social networks and portals is that both of the same of goal of keeping the visitors on their sites for a longer time period. Both of them aim to mold themselves as a sticky destination site. Moreover, the features of social networking are found in many portals. References Gay, R., Charlesworth, A. Esen, R. (2007). Online Marketing: A Customer-Led Approach. OUP Oxford. Geoff. (2017). 7 Steps to Building an ECommerce Website. Retrieved April 24, 2018 from Guise, P. D. (2017). Data Protection: Ensuring Data Availability. CRC Press. Harwood, M. (2010). Security Strategies in Web Applications and Social Networking. Jones Bartlett Publishers. Laudon, K., Laudon, J. Dass, R. (2010). Management Information Systems: Managing The Digital Firm, 11/E. Pearson Education India. Lin, H., Fan, W., Chau, P. Y. (2014). Determinants of users continuance of social networking sites: A self-regulation perspective.Information Management,51(5), 595-603. Memon, N. Alhajj, R. (2010). From Sociology to Computing in Social Networks: Theory, Foundations and Applications. Springer Science Business Media. Schneider, G. (2014). Electronic Commerce. Cengage Learning.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Is Popular Culture Subservient To High Culture And If So, Why Essays
Is Popular Culture Subservient To High Culture And If So, Why? Is High Culture Superior to Popular Culture, and if so Why? For about a century, Western Culture has really been divided into two cultures, the traditional type of high culture and a mass culture manufactured wholesale for the market. High culture is the arts that require some form of intellect to comprehend, so therefore can only reach a tiny segment of the population, whilst levelling accusations of elitism. High culture includes ballet; the forms of operas, operettas and symphonies; types of film; certain novels; theatre and plays. Mass or popular culture is derived from high culture, so for every item in high culture, there is a corresponding item of lesser importance in popular culture. Forms of popular culture include television, comics and magazines, pop music and the cinema. It is acknowledged that mass culture is to some extent a continuation of the old Folk Art that grew through the Industrial Revolution as the culture of the common people. The notifiable dissimilarity is its own spontaneity and ability to satisfy the needs of the people, without the benefit of high culture. To satisfy the popular taste, as Robert Burnss poetry did, and to exploit tastes, in the manner of massive industries like Hollywood does, are very different indeed; folk art was a separate institution, created by and for the people; wheras businessmens only interest in the cultural field is to produce profit- and even to maintain their class rule fabricate Mass culture. It is accepted that mass culture began as, and to some extent still is, a cancerous growth on high culture, as shown when Clement Greenburg stated, Kitsch (German term for mass culture) takes advantage of. Fully matured cultural tradition, extracting its riches and putting nothing back. Constantly evolving, kitsch reduces so far away from high culture as to appear quite disconnected from it. Mass culture is imposed from above, as Karl Marx recognised, onto the passive susceptibility of the ignorant masses, to which decisions lie between consumption or no consumption. It is therefore, the Lords of kitsch that are the sole beneficiaries; mass culture integrates the masses in a form of debased high culture. This lack of control proves the power of the mass culture businessman, shown when during the 1929 depression, when capitalism was in chaos, focus was turned from the idols of production to the idols of consumption such as Hollywood movie stars, creating a dreamlikeworld, a marketing heaven, for the masses to aspire to. Mass culture can therefore never be worthwhile. Commodities are imposed upon the masses, taking away freedom of choice and individuality. Instead of being related to one another as members of a community, the relation is formed with a system of industrial production, something abstract and untouchable. The great culture-bearing elites have communities with members having an individual role and sharing similar interests. In contrast, mass society sinks to the lowest level, to that of its most primitive members, its taste complies with that of the least sensitive and most ignorant member. Members accept any idiocy if it is wholly agreed as knowledge in the capitalist superstructure. Homogenized mass culture is so rigidly democratic, refusing distinction or discrimination that it succeeds in destroying all values and dissolving any form of barriers. The homogenizing effects of kitsch also denote a blur in age segregation. The easy access to all mass culture means that all forms of mass culture means that children are subjected to the worst kind of capitalism; that which encourages infantile regression and escape via consumption of commodities or over stimulation resulting in growing up to quickly, and a barrage of associated problems. Without further detail, mass culture could reveal capitalism to be an exploitative class society; rather than the harmonious commonwealth openly alleged. This makes mass culture a form of political domination, as Soviet Communism and its own kind of mass culture have shown. The conservative proposal to rescue Avant-gardeesque values of old class lines from the domination of the two great mass nations, USA and USSR, seems increasingly infallible, due to internal causes and the increasing suffocation of the Avant-garde movement by mass culture. Where class lines ever-blur, the cultural tradition is absent, the greater kitsch manufacturing abilities become, dragging any form of cultural elitism further
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