Thursday, May 30, 2019

Uses and Abuses of Censorship :: social issues

Uses and Abuses of CensorshipThe uses and abuses of censorship in developed and developing countries have been under discussion for quite a desire time. Although societies claim for emancipation of thought and expression, which ar indispensable to live peacefully, censorship is neartimes necessary, due to the fact tha its abuse may badly influence the deportment of a society and may also result in anarchism. there are different kinds of censorship. The most common ones are governmental, press and television censorship. The showtime one is connected with the respect and consideration population should live with. If the citizens of a country do not have the chance of giving voice to their discontent, they odor furstrated and inhibited. Freedom of expression is extremely important inthis case. People must have the opportunity of saying what the think in order to improve the conditions of living, without governmental censorship. Unfortunately, this freedom is sometimes exercised in a wrong way obliging the Government to use its power to censor demonstrators, because they behave violently and irrationally. It is clear, then, that it is highly positive that people have freedom of expression, but on the other hand, that freedom must be used in logical and civilized terms, to improve life in society, otherwise its bad use may lead to a social chaos. Press censorship is quite common nowadays. The press plays an important part in modern societies. Although there are some exceptions, some journalists and reporters are nowadays mor reliable than most of the politicians. Independent press has the freedom of publishing true facts near everyday governmental activities and decisions. In some cases, if the press did not investigate political and government affairs, people would never know some decisions, which most of the times, are in favour of leaders and against grass roots. It is said that the press is the fourth estate by the influence it has on the society, cons equently, it should never be censored by the Governmet. Unfortunately, sometimes this freedom is used by journalists with political tendencies, so Government should have the power to investigate secret arrangements between the opposite political parties and some corrupt journalists. Another common case of censorship is the one shown by the Government, which in past times used to censor some television programmes. There are a lot of examples of programmes which were prohibited by governmental organizations. This was the clearest exemplification of censorship in past times.

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